Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Helpful Shortcuts

Have you ever seen a very computer-savvy individual zoom their fingers across the keyboards, rarely utilizing their mouse at all?  They have memorized and practiced using a variety of keyboard shortcuts that make working on a computer way more efficient.  I am a Mac user, so here is a short list of Mac shortcuts that I find helpful and use on a daily basis:

Command-A: Selects all items in the front Finder window
Option-Command-A: Deselects all items
Command-C: Copy
Command-E: Eject
Command-F: Find
Command-I: Get info
Command-M: Minimize window
Option-Command-M: Minimize all windows
Command-O: Open selected items
Command-T: Add to sidebar
Shift-Command-T: Add to favorites
Command-V: Paste
Command-W: Close window
Option-Command-W: Close all windows
Command-Z: Undo/Redo
Command-1: View as icon
Command-2: View as list
Command-3: View as columns
Command-4: View as cover flow

Happy Shortcutting!


Wednesday, May 23, 2012


It's no secret that some kids just LOVE technology.  A dozing student may suddenly perk up at the sight of an iPad.  Also, if you've noticed, the learning curve is much less steep for younger people.  It's as if they can trial-and-error at such a fast speed that they've picked up the functionality of a piece of technology in no time.  Here is an example of a technological tool that I found particularly entertaining.  It can probably enhance most classroom experiences.


Storybird is a "Collaborative Storytelling Tool," according to their website.  It is a way to make a story as a group, where anyone can contribute to the plot of the story or the illustrations.  It can be shared, watched, or played with and works best for kids ages 3-13 (although anyone can enjoy the tool).  

For the text, anyone in your classroom can contribute their own thoughts and words.  Pictures are found in a wide variety on the site itself.  Students can choose who they wish to collaborate with and when they publish a story, it is automatically stored in the class' account.

Here is an example of a Storybird I made.  It was extremely easy to make and the illustrations were very fun to pick out.  Check it out!

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Class 1: Welcome!

I created this class to coincide with a graduate class I am taking this summer at Marymount University.  It will be highlighting the things I learn and explore in regard to technology in the classroom.  Enjoy.