Tuesday, June 5, 2012


An important learning strategy to teach students is to keep track of one's thinking and learning processes.  Meta-cognition is imperative to becoming a great learner.  Note taking is a simple skill that helps with meta-cognition.  But how can students keep notes of all the websites they might visit trying to find sources for a research paper?

Enter Evernote.  Essentially, a student can browse the internet for information, sources, articles, pictures, etc., and store all the cool stuff they find on this app.  They can even save audio selections.  A really cool feature is that the information is then stored on their laptops, iPhones, iPads, etc., due to cloud technology.  If students are making a historical timeline together in groups, they can also share all of the notes they collect.  If they are going on a class field trip, they can store maps, itineraries and, if perhaps they are visiting a forest, animal facts and information.

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