Tuesday, June 5, 2012

My Corner of the PLN World

I have a twitter.  I mainly use it to update friends on the small silly moments that occur in my day-to-day life, some of which involve the classroom.  I use it primarily for entertainment and keeping up with local businesses.  I had never given much thought to how Twitter could be used as a personal learning network until reading Shelly Terrell's blog.  It turns out that Twitter can be used for many educational and professional opportunities.  

I think that if I were to create a professional Twitter to enhance my teaching and classroom..yes, shocking...my personal and professional worlds DO need space..that I would start by making a name like 1stgradepioneer, since I'm a new teacher.  I would try and research great people to follow and maybe tweet @ them, so they can follow me and see questions that I might have that arise while I'm teaching.  Come to think of it, my teacher twitter might be primarily questions, as I'm not sure my wisdom has quite reached a helpful level to others...but hey!  You never know!

One of the interesting things about our society...I'm not sure if it's a good or a bad thing, is that it can be hard to have an original idea.  However, in this case, I would be super glad to probably not be the first teacher to grab a Twitter account.  With this in mind, I would Google great teachers that already have twitters to follow.  I'm sure there are already PLNs out there that I could attach myself too.

I like organization and I like keeping my apps and different profiles on the internet to a minimum, so it's helpful that I already have a twitter and wouldn't need yet another tab on my toolbar to keep all my websites visible.  

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