Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Breezin' Thru Theory

From my Kindergarten until I graduated high school, I played the violin, the baritone, the piano, and sang in chorus/choir.  My love of music and math combined in a passion for music theory where I took classes at the local university to further develop my understanding of the intersection of the two subjects.  

I thought I would look around the web to see where music education and technology are meeting up and stumbled upon Breezin' Thru' Theory.  Breezin' Thru is a series of educational tools for different subjects, but the theory one is especially interesting because I think with interactive tools and power-point like presentations, theory becomes much more accessible than just with worksheets and music instructors having to verbally explain everything.  

The breezin' thru curriculum has four parts:
See it, Hear it: these are listened to online to better explain components of music theory
Mad Dash Drills: instant scoring is available for these speed tests that students can do and use to compete against each other
Composer's Corner: Students can use their knowledge to start the composition process of music theory
Summative Tests: A simple way to measure progress.

Music theory and composition requires a lot of trial and error if it is to be done with pencil and paper.  I would erase so frequently that my papers would be littered with holes.  If there is a technological way to practice composing, I think the best part about this would be editing with ease. 

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